Annual student retreat

Designed to bring you closer to Christ

The Koinonia retreat weekend allows you discover Christ’s love for you by looking at his paschal mystery: Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Talks and activities will help you to know the Lord who loves you with an infinite love…and help you to love him in return.

Koinonia Retreat

SK8 | October 2024, Weekend TBD

The retreat is overnight and begins at 4:30 p.m. on Friday and ends at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday at St. Joseph Catholic Church and School. It is hard to accurately describe the gift of this weekend, so come and see for yourselves all that this weekend will offer you.

Inspiring Talks

Learn and discuss with other students

Powerful Prayer

Spend time in Adoration and talking with Jesus

Fun Fellowship

Games and social dinners through the retreat


Receive Reconciliation and the Eucharist