Join a Small Group This Lent

Our small groups will meet weekly during Lent under the guidance of student leaders to share life, have discussions about the faith, and foster deeper friendships. Take a look at the group options for this semester below. Please submit your interest form at the bottom of the page to join a group.


We often distracted and addicted to many things in today’s world: social media, sports, video games, work, education, comparison, and achievement. This Lent, discover true freedom in Christ with our Exodus men’s Bible study.

Begins the Week of March 3

Wilderness Within

Explore your wilderness this Lent to discover the Lord’s desire to heal the deepest wounds of your heart and bring peace, love, comfort, and renewal.

Begins the Week of March 3

Acts of the Apostles

God’s word is alive and it should be embodied in our lives. In this study, we will take a look at evangelization through the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles.

Begins the Week of February 24

Fill out our interest form
